Company Profile

Alonics, Ltd.

Company Name Alonics, Ltd.
Established September 2003
Capital 10 million yen
  • Import and sales of high-frequency power equipment and high-frequency amplifiers
  • Development, manufacturing and sales of equipment for industrial use of high frequency
  • Manufacturing and sales of vacuum equipment, physics and chemistry equipment, etc.
Headquarters 305 OTA Techno Core, 6-4-17 Higashi-Kojiya,
Ota-ku, Tokyo, 144-0033, JAPAN
TEL +81-(0)3-5737-8333
President Sum Nishio

Alonics's History

The "Business Continuity Plan" (BCP) was formulated and approved in accordance with the provisions of Article 56, Paragraph 1 of the Law for Strengthening Management of Small and Medium Enterprises.

Sep. 2003
Establishment of a company
Mar. 2004
Signed distributor agreement with Ameritherm (now Ambrell) in the United States
Jul. 2004
Open web site -
Dec. 2004
Signed distributor agreement with IRCON (now Fluke) in the United States
Jan. 2005
Relocated to KBIC(Kawasaki New Industry Creation Center) in Kawasaki City
Jan. 2005
Signed distributor agreement with E&I社 in the United States< /td>
Nov. 2006
Won the Excellence Award in the "Kawasaki Entrepreneur Audition Business Idea Seeds Market" sponsored by Kawasaki City.
May. 2008
Relocated to Techno Front Morigasaki, Ota-ku, Tokyo
Induction heating power supply of 100kw is installed in the laboratory.
Started heating sample test service.
May. 2011
Featured in ""Shining Technology, Shining Company"
Jun. 2012
Patented "Induction Heating Soldering Device" (Patent No.5015207)
Feb. 2015
Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the "26th Ota Ward Small and Medium Enterprise New Product and New Technology Contest"
(joint award with 2 other companies)
Nov. 2016
Recognized as a Ota-ku excellent Factory in 2008.
Also received a special award, the "Entrepreneurial Spirit Award"
Sep. 2017
Relocated to OTA Techno Core, Higashi-Kojiya, Ota-ku, Tokyo (current location)
Jun. 2022
Formulate a "Business Continuity Enhancement Plan" (BCP) and be certified based on the provisions of the Small and Medium Enterprise Management Enhancement Act.